If you are reading this, we are assuming you know already everything about crypto currency and how NFT’s are sky-rocketing one moment and falling down at another.
The NFT world was never really stable, we are not talking about the game market, but the Pop NFT’s — collectibles, profile pics, funny donkeys and teddy bears, you name it. There’s a collection for almost every insane thing and its shooting up. But there’s an entirely new concept that will change the digital world forever and successfully stabilize the world of NFT’s.
So, What’s a Crypto-Stamp ?

To understand crypto-stamp NFT’s, you can consider how basic postage stamps used to work. A postage stamp that has a low price would often offer a lower speed or lower quality of postage delivery. and a high price would offer a faster speed and better quality of delivery.
Pick this concept up and apply it to the digital world. Treat every website on internet as a postage mail, and a crypto-stamp as a stamper with which you can stamp on any particular webpage — an article, a video, a social post, anything.
Now since a crypto stamp is an NFT that has some real $value$, this attaches value to your page/article/video, to successfully differentiate yourself from a random nobody who post an article.
Now sit back and ponder on what you just read before you scroll down, and if you still don’t get it, let us just spell it out for you.
The Digital world in the future will be divided into two. One is worthless. One is crypto-stamped.
There are millions of posts every second and the internet keeps growing, how do you or anyone know which has value? and this is where the prime value of Crypto stamps kick in, they can increase value of a post by literal meaning.
The Digital world as you know it, will start to have real value cleaning up all the spam & worthless content with a clean new web that people put in both effort and money.

To all NFT holders, you now have a valid answer to tell all those people who never really understood why would anyone ever pay anything for a drawing that can be easily downloaded and duplicated.
Cut Outs, The first ever crypto stamp collection and how it’s shaping the crypto-stamp future.

As the first ever Crypto Stamp collection, There is a lot of thinking going in, to keep every stamp unique, to introduce inspiring use cases for Crypto Stamps. For this reason we are even opting an auction model that only sells one edition per day and limit the entire collection to only 999.
Quality over Quantity.

We strongly believe this is how NFT’s should be, as Collecting something that has high value and rare is how people can differentiate themselves from the main stream.
Completely Open Source

This is not just an idea that prints money, but an idea that brings a revolution to the entire digital world. It is imperative that we keep everything transparent and opensource, to make a collective effort to transform digital media. If the content is not crypto stamped, it basically means it’s not worth wasting your time. This is how we envision the digital future.
How it works?

We are launching an OPEN SOURCE PLUGIN like meta-mask with which people can stamp on any webpage. and people can also verify any stamp on any webpage with it.
The second phase will introduce a +STAMP BUTTON that can be easily embedded on any webpage and request stamp holders to stamp and add value to that article.
There will never be any partnership integrations with any sites, and obviously no monopolizing. We are building this with decentralization and open-source spirit as main focus.
Authenticity of Stamps

When any user stamps, on-chain metadata would have to be signed specifically by that user, and when someone opens the site or post, it will verify whether the stamps truly do belong to their mentioned owners. It does this through the transaction history of that stamp which lives on-chain. In this way, a stamp will be displayed only after it’s verified. To know more on how it’s 100% authentic and our plans to decentralize the concept of crypto stamps, head here.
To all those NFT creators, this is history in its making, join us & Let’s build together a cleaner web.

This is a revolutionary idea and it needs to be shaped up by a community together, and for this reason we even limited our own collection to 999 and made every software related to crypto-stamp we are building opensource. We invite all creators out there to create their own crypto-stamp collections and actually transform the gnawing internet. Let’s build together a cleaner web.
Website — cutoutsnft.com
Twitter — https://twitter.com/cutoutsnft
Discord — discord.gg/XNNZ96b5V3